Why Is Change Good For You?

A representation of why change is good for you.

Whether we like it or not, change is an inevitable part of life. Might as well accept it because it’s going to happen. There are two types of changes in life, either good or bad.

No matter which of the two you experience, the overall positive outcomes overweigh the negatives by far. Change is a tool utilized only when it is accepted.

This post is all about Why Is Change Good For You?

What is Change?

As we began to grow and mature we slowly realized that the only consistent aspect of life is change. Seasons, people and situations all experience different types of change. But, what is change actually? Change is a period of transition from one phase to another. 

Examples of changes in life 

  • Seasonal change 
  • Scientific theories and philosophies 
  • Perspective change 
  • Situational change 
  • Habits change
  • Thinking patterns 
  • Historical change 
  • Organizational change 
  • Technological change
  • Economical change

Why is Change Important in Life?

Change is an important concept to understand, grasp and accept. As you can imagine, there are many facets of change that prove beneficial in the short and long haul.

Some of these changes may seem straightforward while others may feel ambiguous. Moreover, the upcoming list of changes demonstrates the many beneficial effects of change in both personal and professional circumstances. Moreover, By embracing change, you are able to see what is important to you.

  • Organizational Change – The process of implementing new policies, procedures and strategies in hopes of increasing profit, adapting to market changes, improving product quality and/or expanding reach to new customers.
  • Personal Change – The process of moving from your current personal status to a new and improved future version of yourself. This may also include challenging previous thoughts, beliefs, perceptions and overall image of one’s self.
  • Physical Change – The process of transforming your current physical appearance to a much more improved and healthier one. This may include losing/gaining weight, overall knowledge of nutrition, taking care of bodily needs and living a happy healthy lifestyle.
  • Mental Change – The process of upgrading one’s mental state by applying personal awareness, utilizing tools such as reading and journaling, consistent learning and being open to new ideas and ways of life.
  • Environmental Change – The process of changing one’s environment from a negative sense to a positive one in hopes of improving productivity levels, mood, excitement, peace of mind and overall happiness. 
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Why is Change Important to Growth? 

One of the reasons why change is important is avoiding a routine lifestyle. This is the essence of personal growth and development, the continuous state of change in beliefs, habits, thinking patterns and new perspectives. It is imperative to embrace change such as new environments, new friendships, new beginnings and new people.

Moreover, change is what makes everyday life exciting and interesting as we begin to discover and realize our potentials. Imagine if the world doesn’t revolve around the idea of change and transformation? We would never grow and evolve as a species. Not to mention, how awfully dull everyday life would be. 

Furthermore, change brings forward new opportunities and possibilities in life. Don’t like the number the scale is reading? Change it. Hate your 9-5? You have the opportunity to change that. Reading is not your strong suit? You are one decision away from changing that.

As you might imagine, nothing in life is set in stone and that’s due to the ever changing nature of the world. 

9 Benefits of Change in Life

A journal used for gratefulness which is a benefit of change.

Continuous growth

Accepting change is an excellent tool for personal growth and development as it ensures continuous growth and evolution.

As circumstances and situations in life change, you are forced to rethink your approach to life’s challenges by considering little changes and exploring venues you once were reluctant to lead.

Moreover, you begin to rewire your mind and improve your thought patterns in retaliation to life’s changes, forcing you to grow and flourish as a person.

Furthermore, you avoid stagnation and loss of compassion by embracing change and pursuing a new perspective on life.

Develop more skills 

As you begin to transform from one phase to another you are compelled to develop new skills and improve upon your overall self confidence in hopes of adapting to new changing things.

This aspect of change is extremely beneficial as you slowly enhance upon your strengths while working on improving your weaknesses.

Furthermore avoiding becoming a “one trick pony” is sought after in today’s ever changing world.

Increased Creativity levels 

Change has proven to increase creativity levels in individuals determined to better themselves. Your mind is created to solve problems and find solutions. It is truly a remarkable muscle.

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When you feel that everything around you has changed, you have the capability to adapt by using intentional creative thinking patterns. Moreover, you get to expand your knowledge, learning and overall experience in the process too. 

“A Man’s Mind, Stretched By New Ideas, May Never Return To Its Original Dimensions.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes.

A Chance To Move on 

Change is often looked upon in a negative manner due to our desire to stay comfortable. However, change opens doors to unique opportunities for us to grow, evolve, explore new horizons and move on.

Whether that may be moving on from bad experiences, negative emotions and unpleasant influences in your life, change helps many of us move forward and leave the past behind.

Change is good as it may be compared to clicking on the “refresh button” on your browser.

You begin to accept your wrong doings and move on, learning from your mistakes and ensuring you dont fall into the trap again. This is huge for both mental and physical overall health too.

More opportunities 

Challenges in life can be perceived as either bad luck or new opportunities to rise and flourish, it is up to you to decide what you see.

However, people who take risks and challenge themselves in the midst of adversity will reap the rewards later on in life.

Weather that may be embracing new ideas, thinking patterns, beliefs, new situations and employing new habits in your life to set yourself up for success.

Change is a tool utilized to expand our horizons and conquer new uncharted territories prior to our personal growth journey. 

Positive Impact on mental health 

Change is also proven to have a positive impact on overall mental health.

As we begin to embrace and accept change in our lives, overall mental health diseases such as depression and anxiety become less likely to develop. Moreover, stress levels will decrease exponentially in the process too.

In addition, change helps create internal change and progress as we are able to cope with difficult and challenging times in our personal and professional lives.

Reducing negative feelings, emotions and lowering the risk of a plethora of physical and mental illness. 

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You Gain More Experience 

More opportunities in life translates to more new and exciting experiences.

For example, moving from one country to another exposes you to a multitude of new experiences such as tasting new food, listening to foreign music and exploring new horizons.

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Furthermore, as you begin to adapt to an unfamiliar situation, you slowly but surely will gain more experience in both your personal and professional life.

Experience is a well sought after attribute in the corporate world, so don’t waste this opportunity to grow, evolve and transform!

You Get out of Your Comfort Zone 

Change is a powerful and forceful tool. It has the ability to challenge your very core and force you to do new things you would never embrace before.

Whether that may be changing your university, moving from one state to another, forcing you to learn a new language or encouraging yourself to take the more risky path and career.

All of these things share a common determining factor, getting out of the comfort zone. This is one of the absolute non negotiable pillars of personal growth and development. 

You Become More Grateful 

The philosophy of an ever changing world in terms of circumstances and situations will make you a more grateful human being.

Knowing that you could literally lose everything in the next few seconds, will make you appreciate the things given to you. Moreover, you start to pay attention to the small details of life and never take them for granted.

Listening to the sound of rain, experiencing a wonderful sundown and/or hearing your mothers voice everyday are blessings that sadly we tend to take for granted.

Times of peace and tranquility will also become something you pray and ask the lord to never take away. Life in general will become much more meaningful, fragile and beautiful in this perspective. 

Final Thoughts on Why Is Change Good For You

All in all, although change is not a comfortable process to experience, it is necessary for growth. The first step in embracing change is becoming flexible in pursuing you goals.

The ever changing nature of the world pretty much forces us to develop, evolve and flourish in both our personal and professional lives.

Moreover, there are a lot of beneficial aspects linked to change such as positive impacts on mental health and gaining overall experience in life.

Change helps us progress in life as we embrace a fresh start in new beginnings, new environments, new skills and new possibilities. This snowball effect helps us move forward and realize the exciting future ahead of us.

This post is all about Why Is Change Good For You?

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