The struggling warrior

Meet Hussain.

You Finally made it!

Welcome to our community at The Struggling Warrior, where were on a mission to conquer OCD together.

bonjour, mon ami!

I’m so glad you’re here.

My mission is deeply personal: to shed light on the often misunderstood world of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and extend a helping hand to those navigating its treacherous waters.

Through my own journey of pain and perseverance, I strive to offer companionship, understanding, and actionable strategies to those battling the same demons I once faced.

the face behind the struggling warrior
years in business
Clients served
Ebooks sold
Intrusive thoughts


My Story: A Descent into the Abyss

Three years back, I was in tremendously in pain. OCD had me in its grip, and it wasn’t letting go.

Every day felt like a battle I couldn’t win, with fear and doubt weighing me down.

I started pulling away from everything, diving deep into my own thoughts.

It felt like I was trapped in a cycle of intrusive thoughts that just wouldn’t quit.

My bed became my refuge, but also my cage. I was stuck wrestling with compulsions that seemed to never end.


The Shared Struggle:

Those intrusive thoughts were pure torment.

They ranged from blasphemous obsessions to gruesome scenes of violence, and they wouldn’t give me a moment’s peace.

Each one felt like a stab straight to my core, filling me with guilt, shame, and a hatred for myself that I couldn’t shake.

It was like I was slowly being consumed by OCD, losing myself more and more with each passing day.


The Toll on My Life

OCD didn’t just mess with my head; it impacted every aspect of my life.

I struggled to focus on my studies, spending hours fixated on details instead of my academic responsibilities.

Relationships suffered too; I pushed people away, feeling isolated and misunderstood.

Even simple tasks felt impossible, with OCD making everything harder. It was like living in chaos, with OCD calling the shots at every turn.


Passion Ignited

In the midst of my own battles, feeling like I was drowning in darkness, I discovered a deep-seated desire to make a difference.

That’s when I decided to start The Struggling Warrior.

It wasn’t about me; it was about being a light for others struggling with mental illness, showing them they weren’t alone.


Results Speak Louder Than Words

The impact of my work echoes in the stories of transformation shared by those who have walked this path alongside me.

Their testimonials are a testament to the power of resilience and the potential for redemption.

Through my writing and advocacy, I’ve witnessed individuals finding newfound courage to confront their struggles head-on.

Others have experienced breakthroughs in understanding their conditions, leading to greater self-awareness and acceptance.

These stories not only highlight the progress made by individuals but also underscore the importance of community and support in the journey towards mental wellness.

Get to know me


One hot Americano, Please!

I recently read

A Promised Land by Barack Obama

on weekends you’ll find me…

Blogging, Blogging & more Blogging

I couldn’t live without

My dearest Lilly

Morning person or night owl?

Both! Give me all the caffeine.

Currently binging

The Office (for the 1000th time)

favorite travel destination

Venezia, Italy

Best piece of advice i’ve received

The only way to fail is to quit, so keep putting in the work and showing up every day.

Let’s collaborate

interested in a collab? I’d love to connect!