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A sketch of OCD worksheets used to help people with OCD

Welcome to the world of OCD worksheets, a powerful resource designed to help you navigate the challenges of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and find effective strategies for managing its impact on your life.

These worksheets provide a structured and supportive framework for understanding OCD, identifying your specific triggers and compulsions, and developing coping mechanisms to regain control. By engaging with these worksheets, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the underlying thoughts and patterns that drive your OCD, allowing you to challenge and reframe them in healthier ways.

The exercises and activities offered in these worksheets are designed to help you gradually confront your fears, reduce anxiety, and restore a sense of balance and well-being. Remember, you are not alone in this journey, and these worksheets are here to empower you as you work towards managing your OCD and reclaiming your life.

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Don’t miss this opportunity to invest in yourself and unlock your full potential. Start your journey to mental wellness today! 

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Are you ready to take control of your mental well-being and embark on a journey towards a happier, healthier you? Look no further than Online-Therapy.com! 

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Experience a transformation in your mental health with the following benefits:

  •  Convenient & Confidential: Online-Therapy.com provides a safe and private platform for therapy sessions. Say goodbye to the stress of in-person appointments.
  •  Comprehensive Resources: Access a treasure trove of therapeutic resources, including worksheets, journals, and interactive tools, all designed to help you grow and heal.
  •  Certified Professionals: Connect with experienced and licensed therapists who are dedicated to your progress and well-being.
  •  Tailored Approach: Online-Therapy.com offers personalized plans designed to suit your specific needs, ensuring you receive the support you deserve.

Obsession and Compulsion Log

  • Worksheet Details

The Obsession and Compulsion Log (OCL) provides two kinds of clinical information. First, it illustrates the nature of a patient’s current obsessions and compulsions.

Second, it is an index of clinical severity by providing information on the frequency of obsessions and the amount of time
spent engaged in compulsive rituals.

Obsessional Beliefs Questionnaire

  • Worksheet Details

This inventory lists different attitudes or beliefs that people sometimes hold.

Read each statement carefully and decide how much you agree or disagree with it.

For each of the statements, choose the number matching the answer that best describes how you

Because people are different, there are no right or wrong answers.
To decide whether a given statement is typical of your way of looking at things, simply keep in mind what you are like most of the time.

Obsessive Concerns Checklist

  • Worksheet Details

For some people certain thoughts may seem to occur against their will and they cannot get rid of them. Only endorse items which apply to you due to:

(1) their having been performed excessively

(2) their undesirability

(3) your attempts to resist

(4) their having interfered with your functioning in some way

Rate the thoughts listed below from 1 to 5, according to the degree of disturbance during the past week:

1 – This thought does not trouble me at all

2 – This thought rarely troubles me (once a week or less)

3 – This thought often troubles me (several times weekly)

4 – This thought troubles me very often (daily)

5 – This thought troubles me continually (all waking hours)

Compulsive Activities Checklist

  • Worksheet Details

Rate each activity on the scale below according to how much impairment is present due to obsessive-compulsive symptoms. Impairment can be the result of how long it takes to complete an activity, how often you repeat the activity or how much you avoid the activity.

1 – No problem with activity: takes about same time as most people; no need to repeat it, and/or avoids it.

2 – Minor problems with activity: takes a little longer than most people, may repeat it a few times, and/or

sometimes avoids it.

3 – Moderate problems with activity: takes moderately longer than most people, often repeats it numerous

times, and/or often avoids it.

4 – Very often has problems with activity: takes much longer than most people; frequently repeats it many

times, and/or frequently avoids it.

5 – Almost constant problems with activity: takes very long compared to most people or unable to

complete it; almost always repeats it an extreme number of times or almost always avoids it.

Worry Management Worksheet

  • Worksheet Details

Worry management worksheet used to provide data regarding OCD symptoms such as describing a certain fear and identifying potential obsessive triggers.

Utility Analysis To Thoughts And Beliefs

  • Worksheet Details

Utility analysis to thoughts and beliefs is used to analyze thought patterns throughout the day and how they affect feelings, emotions and behaviours.

The PISA Worksheet

  • Worksheet Details

A PISA is a behavior or internal experience (e.g., a thought) that you worry might be immoral or sinful.

Use this Worksheet to help you clarify your beliefs about any PISA that leads you to spend a significant amount of time worrying, seeking reassurance, or engaging in compulsive rituals. Complete steps 1 & 2. If you answer “Yes” to step #2, also complete steps 3 & 4.

E&RP Motivator

  • Worksheet Details

Most of the time when you think about your OCD, you think about your pain and all of the reasons that it feels necessary to give in to the demands of the OC Monster.

The purpose of this form is to examine ways in which you have been hurt by OCD. Do not include ways in which your OCD has hurt others – there is another form for this.

In considering what you have lost to OCD it is important to be detailed about the painful parts of this loss.

Distinguishing Information-Seeking
and Reassurance Seeking

  • Worksheet Details

A worksheet detailing the comparison between individuals who are information seekers vs individuals who are reassurance seekers.

Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS)

  • Worksheet Details

Obsessions are unwanted ideas, images or impulses that intrude on thinking against your wishes and efforts to resist them. They usually involve themes of harm, risk and danger. Common obsessions are excessive fears of contamination; recurring doubts about danger, extreme concern with order, symmetry, or exactness; fear of losing important things.

Y-BOCS Symptom Checklist

  • Worksheet Details

Generate a Target Symptoms List from the attached Y-BOCS Symptom Checklist by asking the patient about specific obsessions and compulsions. Chock all that apply.

Distinguish between current and past symptoms. Mark principal symptoms with a “p”. These will form the basis
of the Target Symptoms List. Items marked may “*” or may not be an OCD phenomena.

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Don’t miss this opportunity to invest in yourself and unlock your full potential. Start your journey to mental wellness today! 

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Are you ready to take control of your mental well-being and embark on a journey towards a happier, healthier you? Look no further than Online-Therapy.com! 

Visit Online-Therapy.com

Experience a transformation in your mental health with the following benefits:

  •  Convenient & Confidential: Online-Therapy.com provides a safe and private platform for therapy sessions. Say goodbye to the stress of in-person appointments.
  •  Comprehensive Resources: Access a treasure trove of therapeutic resources, including worksheets, journals, and interactive tools, all designed to help you grow and heal.
  •  Certified Professionals: Connect with experienced and licensed therapists who are dedicated to your progress and well-being.
  •  Tailored Approach: Online-Therapy.com offers personalized plans designed to suit your specific needs, ensuring you receive the support you deserve.

🎁 Special Offer: 🎁 When you use our affiliate link, you’ll receive an exclusive 20% discount on Online-Therapy.com services! 

Don’t miss this opportunity to invest in yourself and unlock your full potential. Start your journey to mental wellness today! 

Say yes to a brighter, happier future with Online-Therapy.com! 

20% discount on Online-Therapy.com services

Are you ready to take control of your mental well-being and embark on a journey towards a happier, healthier you? Look no further than Online-Therapy.com! 

Visit Online-Therapy.com

Experience a transformation in your mental health with the following benefits:

  •  Convenient & Confidential: Online-Therapy.com provides a safe and private platform for therapy sessions. Say goodbye to the stress of in-person appointments.
  •  Comprehensive Resources: Access a treasure trove of therapeutic resources, including worksheets, journals, and interactive tools, all designed to help you grow and heal.
  •  Certified Professionals: Connect with experienced and licensed therapists who are dedicated to your progress and well-being.
  •  Tailored Approach: Online-Therapy.com offers personalized plans designed to suit your specific needs, ensuring you receive the support you deserve.